Get a covariate bar attached to an NG-CHM.
# Examples using `chmNew()` require git to be installed and available.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# If the NGCHMDemoData package is installed, use it to demo usage
if (requireNamespace("NGCHMDemoData", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Create example NGCHM with covariate bar
data(TCGA.GBM.Demo, package = "NGCHMDemoData")
hm <- chmNew("gbmexpr", TCGA.GBM.ExpressionData[1:50, 1:50])
hm <- chmAddCovariateBar(
hm, "column",
chmNewCovariate("TP53 Mutation", TCGA.GBM.TP53MutationData[1:50])
# Get covariate bar by name
tp53_covariate_bar <- chmCovariateBar(hm, "TP53 Mutation")
# Small example not requiring NGCHMDemoData
matrix <- matrix(rnorm(100),
nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
dimnames = list(paste0("r", 1:10), paste0("c", 1:10))
hm <- chmNew("Demo", matrix)
covariate <- setNames(rnorm(10), colnames(matrix))
hm <- chmAddCovariateBar(hm, "column", chmNewCovariate("my covariate", covariate))
my_covariate_bar <- chmCovariateBar(hm, "my covariate")
} # }